Category: Uncategorized

The mind follows the breathe And the breathe Does the mind Circular patterns Orbiting thoughts Into and out of consciousness Surfacing, lost, then found once again Building familiarity Of the inner landscape Comfort and peace To be at one With oneself And that which is

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Love is listening to someone with your whole heart without judgement or advice provided. Just listening for the sake of listening, giving the person the space they need to speak honestly about their experiences and in the process, validating their emotions.

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I’m realizing how much time I spend craving solitude. When I am lost inside, fearful and disconnected, interaction can be very difficult for me. I find myself in a frequent state of waiting for the other members of the interaction to mock and put me down. This can make human contact rather unpleasant pushing me […]

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In acknowledgement of the divine, he points upward, but then downward. He points to his right, then left. He circles around, spinning his whole body still pointing outward, arms moving in diagonals. Finally, he drops his arms, kneels down, closes his eyes and flexes his head downward, to look within. For the Divine is not […]

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Every human being is interconnected with all others. There is no us and them. There is only humanity. Embrace it within and without. Hold not onto the illusion of differences or categories of the intellect. These are errors of cognition. Trust not in the lies that judgement spews. Live from the heart. Be, observe and […]

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I catch myself dreaming of some time in the future when I will be completely happy. When I achieve this, or when I can afford that, then I’ll be truly happy. But this future perfect happiness just doesn’t exist. If I’m not happy now, the nows of the future will also be unhappy. Happiness is […]

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There is a quiet inside. A peaceful state. A desirable inner climate. It is then shattered by turbulence from the outside world. Old responses make stabilizing inner structures crumble within me. I stop. I pause. I reclaim my space. I reorganize. Peace is restored. This cycle, returning to peace from a shaken place, took years […]

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After many years of contemplation and meditation practice I’ve come to a great deal of realizations. The most recent one that came to me about one hour ago is quite simply: physical reality is overrated. ?

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________ My difficulty accessing inner resources is a problem that causes me a great deal of distress. It is a subtle issue that I alone must cope with. My mind plays hide and seek with itself. Thoughts surface then disappear with much frustration. Meditation has helped me with this problem but it still happens more […]

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