I must preface this post by saying that the following is just something I was kicking around today. I realize the comparison I speak of requires more rigorous intellectual vigor than I am able to give it right now. As they say, “this is only a test”. I am posting this because I am curious about what you think so please comment. I am open to whatever opinions you have. I’m not married to this idea. ?

Pharmacology provides to today’s civilization what myths did for ancient societies. Myths provided a foundation to live from. They were believed in and gave a sense of meaning and purpose to ones life.

Today we believe in human physiology and our control of it with pharmaceutical’s. The major problem with this is the belief in pharmacology does not give meaning to the universe and the human struggles within it. There is just physiological problem fixed with pharmacological solution. It’s deeply impersonal for the believer, the prescriber or user of the drug.

There’s no ritual designed to overcome some tribal problem. There is no metaphor for life, death and the afterlife. No guidance regarding sexuality or acceptable behavior. There’s just pop the pill and move on. In the current climate we find ourselves in, everything is questioned. There is no one way of living. But one can not argue with physiology. In the end, there is just man and his drugs.