Every human being is interconnected with all others. There is no us and them. There is only humanity. Embrace it within and without. Hold not onto the illusion of differences or categories of the intellect. These are errors of cognition. Trust not in the lies that judgement spews. Live from the heart. Be, observe and see all as one. Be present with your own vulnerability and recognize that of all others. Trust in compassion and kindness. Celebrate our surface differences by embracing all as fundamentally human.
Carl Jung believed much the same as you Paul.
I’m actually reading “synchronicity” by Jung right now. I guess that’s where it’s coming from. Complicated essay but I’m taking what I can from it.
You are a humanist. You reflect the best of our Judeo-Christian heritage. Never let go, though you/we are always tempted.
I’m working towards maintaining this perspective in all my interactions with people. It’s not easy because the judging mind is always right there. I guess that part of ourselves will always be there in that some instances judgment is required for survival. But when I am safe, I try to be aware of my judgements and create some distance from them maintaining the following attitude, “just like me, all others aspire to happiness and wish to avoid suffering “. To me, that’s the most powerful piece of wisdom in the compassion course I’m taking (for the 2nd time). This not only helps me to not judge those I perceive are inferior to me, but also those I am intimidated by. It levels the playing field and keeps humanity, rather than differences, at the forefront of my mind.